Tips for a Safe Halloween

Halloween is the greatest. It’s always a joy to see the children in my life engaging in such a colorful celebration of imagination, creativity, and friendship— plus, it’s the last holiday before things get entirely too cold for my liking.

If you also have small children in your life, here are some tips for a happy, safe, and spooky holiday:


Review pedestrian safety tips with children. On Halloween, it’s easy to feel as though all rules are off. Young ones are eager to dart off to the next house for the next piece of candy, so it’s important that children remember that it’s still necessary to cross the street at crosswalks, stay on sidewalks, look both ways, and adhere to traffic signals.

Shine on. Consider adding reflective stickers to costumes and candy bags so that children are more visible to drivers after dark.

Costume considerations. Does everything fit properly? Be sure that costumes fit well and won’t contribute to a trip or fall. When purchasing a costume, check to ensure that the material is flame resistant. Makeup is a better choice than masks to ensure that children have no trouble seeing. And comfortable shoes are key for a fun Halloween night.

Be aware of your surroundings. Stick to well-lit areas and make sure kids know to keep their eyes peeled for (and costumes away from) candle-lit pumpkins. In your own home, be sure candles are kept out of reach of curious youngsters.

Don’t go alone. Ensure that trick-or-treaters under 12 are accompanied by a responsible adult. Using a buddy system is a great idea for older kids to have a safe evening.

Check that candy. It’s important for adults to inspect Halloween candy before the youngsters dig in. Discard anything that appears to have been tampered with, looks homemade, or has been opened and rewrapped. Always get rid of those choking hazards for your younger children.

And while you’re checking the candy haul, of course, don’t forget to squirrel away a few pieces for yourself.

Are you dressing up this year? Tweet a picture of your costume! @TracySansonMD

Tracy Sanson