
Consider this the TracySansonMD bookshelf.

Every month, we’ll share with you some of our favorite titles—  books we find moving, inspiring, and motivating.

What are you reading? Let us know by tweeting @TracySansonMD with the hashtag #TSMDbookshelf.


Improv Wisdom

By Patricia Ryan Madson

Learn to really listen, say yes with joy, and embrace life outside your comfort zone.

When Breath Becomes Air

By Paul Kalanithi

A promising neurosurgeon facing a cancer diagnosis examines how to live when faced with death. This book is a must-read for healthcare professionals.

The Four Things That Matter Most

By Ira Byock

I love you. Thank you. Please forgive me. I forgive you.

Incorporate these four simple phrases in your day-to-day existence and transform your life.