New Year's Reflections

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With the new year upon us, I wanted to take the opportunity to share with you some of the questions I’m using for reflections at the year’s end. As you look back on the past year and consider both your accomplishments and your challenges, I want you to know that you don’t have to carry all of it with you into 2020. Bring only what is useful to you.

What do I want to leave behind?

What lessons and love do I want to carry forward with me?

What will I remember most about 2019?

What do I want my life in 2020 to look like?

What can I give in the new year?

How can I be more open to life in 2020?

In what ways did I grow last year?

In what ways do I hope to grow in the coming year?

How can I invest in myself in the new year?

How can I invest in others?

I  hope you all have a happy New Year, surrounded by those you love. Thank you so much for sharing this space with me. With gratitude, Tracy

Tracy Sanson