Make the Call
Oftentimes, tending to the important relationships in our lives gets bumped down to the bottom of our To-Do lists. Call Stephanie. Send a note to Stephen. Have dinner with Carol. Other things come up. More pressing things. There are reasons we put off catching up, picking up the phone, or going on that trip. It’s inconvenient. We’re very busy. We think we’ll get to it later.
But I suspect that we really put these things off because they require us to open up. Reaching out can make us feel vulnerable. It can require a great deal of emotional energy. And so we decide we’ll call later. We’ll send that letter another day. We always think there will be time for that sort of thing.
But there isn’t time later. All we have is now.
When you put off investing in important relationships, all you’re doing is putting off your life. Because the connections we make with others is the stuff of being human.
Jobs come and go. Stresses do too. But the ideal time for that call, trip, or letter? It’ll never arrive. Meaningful relationships take work. Here are a few ways to invest in the important people in your life— right now.
Pick up the phone. You know who you should have called a while ago. Call now. Really— go do it!
Send a note. Whether to celebrate a new baby, a holiday, or— even better— just to say hello, a handwritten note in the mail can really brighten someone’s day.
Plan a trip. If you have the means, plan some quality face-to-face time with someone you love— and make memories that will last a lifetime along the way.
Say thank you. Expressing your gratitude to someone can be incredibly powerful.
Offer your time and energy. Get visits on the calendar, whether for coffee or a chat, and honor the time you’ve set aside for your friendships.
Be a cheerleader. If you’re proud of someone, don’t hesitate to let them know.
Be present. This is the greatest gift you can give— showing up and really being there. Not fretting about work, not buried in your phone, not staying too distant to really connect. To really connect with someone, you must be willing to be vulnerable. Stay present, listen, and deepen that relationship.
If there’s something you’ve been meaning to say, someone you’ve been meaning to reconnect with, don’t wait. Make the call. Now is all we have.