TracySansonMD January 2022 Newsletter

January Greetings

Happy 2022. The new year is a time for renewal, reflection, and gratitude.

If you’re setting intentions or planning on resolutions in the early days of January, let this be a note to remind you that your goals do not have to be big, lofty endeavors.

These early weeks of the year can be a time for silence and stillness, for attention and care.

This January, consider gifting yourself with gentleness, allowing yourself the time, space, tenderness required for renewal and regrowth.

You do not have to commit to wild plans. You do not have to hit the ground running with new gym routines or self-help programs. Slowing down and reflecting can be a doorway to healing.

Wishing you the space to enter this new year from a well-rested place of self-compassion. Here is a beautiful poem by Mary Oliver to help us usher in 2022 together:


by Mary Oliver

It doesn’t have to be

the blue iris, it could be

weeds in a vacant lot, or a few

small stones; just

pay attention, then patch


a few words together and don’t try

to make them elaborate, this isn’t

a contest but the doorway

into thanks, and a silence in which

another voice may speak.

Around the Web

From “Call Us What We Carry” by Amanda Gorman

“Allegedly the worst is behind us.

Still, we crouch before the lip of tomorrow,

Halting like a headless hant in our own house,

Waiting to remember exactly

What it is we’re supposed to be doing.”

Women Earn $2 Million Less Than Men in Their Careers as Doctors

“Female doctors make less than their male counterparts starting from their very first days on the job, according to a large new study. Over the course of a 40-year-career, researchers estimated, this pay gap adds up to at least $2 million.”


How to Navigate the Omicron Surge

“It appears that because of the fast-spreading Omicron variant, the United States is headed for a big surge in coronavirus cases over at least the next month or two. Here’s some advice from the experts for thinking about the risks, navigating the holidays and taking steps to stay safer.”

Stay in Touch

I’d love to stay connected and know how you’re doing. Send me an email at or connect on Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, or Facebook.

Wishing you health and happiness in the new year.



Best Family Ever!

Tracy Sanson