Presidents’ Day Reflection

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Established as a federal holiday in 1885, Presidents' Day is celebrated on the third Monday in February. Initially created to recognize George Washington, it is now generally used to acknowledge all United States presidents.

The President has a tremendous deal of responsibility in shaping the country—but so do we. Becoming more civically-engaged is a great way to celebrate Presidents' Day. There's no better place to start than your community.

Positive change starts at the local level. Take some time today to look up when your next set of local elections are. Mark the date on your calendar and commit to voting. Find out who's running and what their platforms are. Consider looking for volunteer opportunities in your area.

However you choose to mark the holiday, I hope that the office of the presidency reflects the diversity of our country in the years to come. I wish you a happy Presidents' Day and will leave you with a striking photograph of all of our nationals Vice Presidents, past and present.

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Tracy Sanson