On Despair

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We are living in truly extraordinary times. Feelings of despair are a natural response to the current state of the world. If you are anxious or sad, you are not alone.

I want to tell you that everything will be alright. But the truth is, things are going to get worse before they get better.

It is so important, especially as much of the country is practicing social distancing, to tend to our mental well-being as well as our physical health. Check in with your friends and family regularly. Find something, however small, to be excited about. Look for ways to spread joy.

To maintain hope in the face of despair, I turn to connection. How can I, in these times of isolation, reach out and connect with someone who may feel alone or who may be hurting?

How can you be a light in these times? How can you take heart and have courage?

Deep breaths, my friends. This too shall pass.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255

Tracy Sanson