Connecting with Your True Self

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It is not uncommon to respond to a situation or behave in a way that leaves you saying,

This is not who I am. This is not who I want to be.

A number of factors that can lead to this sort of response— fatigue, depression, burnout, impending litigation. To encourage fewer of these instances, get clear about who you want to be and which environments and relationships most encourage your authenticity. Clearly identify what value you bring to a relationship/situation/organization and what value they bring to you.  Then make choices that support your growth.

Three things to become more deeply connected to your best self:

Trust your gut.

What is it telling you about your job, your health, your relationships? Listen to it. Then make choices honoring your values and principles.

Let go of what which does not serve you.

Forgive yourself. Forgive others. Free yourself from the should’ve, would’ve, could’ve trap and deal with who you are, where you are and with what you have.  

Get honest about what gets you in “the zone”.

For me, it’s my girls, my dogs, and my family and friends. I use my second love, traveling, to keep connected to and involved in the lives of my family and friends. Get clear about what makes you feel like your best self and bring more of that into your life.

It takes courage to say, This is who I am. Take the time to know who you are.  Jim Rohn said it well: “Learn to work harder on yourself than you do on your job. The greatest gift you can give somebody is your own personal development and if you don’t design your own life plan, chances are you’ll fall into someone else’s plan.”  Strive to be authentically you, every day.

For more information on how healthcare professionals can connect with themselves more deeply, download my free eBook, Thriving Beyond Medicine.

Tracy Sanson