In Celebration of Caregivers

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November is National Caregivers Appreciation Month. As someone who has cared for two elderly parents and who regularly works with people who need long-term medical care, I can speak directly to how difficult and beautiful caregiving can be.

Caring for a loved one who is aging or otherwise in need of care is a noble endeavor and one that can bring with it incredible personal growth, including a deeper gratitude for health, family, and life. But it is also hard— so hard— to care for another human being day in and day out, no matter how much you love them.

Caregiver stress is a very real result of long hours, isolation, and trying to balance finances, personal life, social life, fulfillment, and caregiving responsibilities. This month, I wanted to take the opportunity to remind myself and my readers to celebrate and support the caregivers in their lives.  Listen when they need to talk. Shoulder some of their burden when you can. Cook a meal. Offer to help organize paperwork. Ask the caregiver what they need. Maybe it’s a break. Maybe it’s an ear.

There are many ways to support and celebrate caregivers. Most of all, show up for them. Caregiving can be a lonely business. Let the caregivers in your life know that you see them and appreciate them and all of their hard work. Let them know they are not alone.

Tracy Sanson