Life After Residency

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I love connecting with physicians at each stage of their careers. One of the most thrilling (and frightening) times in the life of a doctor is the completion of residency and deciding which steps to take next.

Residency is challenging, stressful, and relentless. It is a time of incredible growth with so many things to absorb and learn. And life afterwards can be… a big adjustment. Residency is a significant time of transition which also often happens to coincide with major changes in your personal life.

Today, I’m offering a few tips in your new role. 


Don’t be afraid to ask for guidance. This path has been trod before. We want to help you. We want to see you succeed. Don’t hesitate to reach out to those of us with more experience. Now is the time to gather your Personal Board of Directors, friends and colleagues who can help you get clear about who you are and what you want.  Ask for help in delineating what value you offer and what value you can gain from opportunities before you.


Look for opportunities. There are openings for learning and growth everywhere. The trick is learning to recognize them and take them. Seek out conferences and retreats designed to inspire you and help you connect with colleagues. Growth doesn’t end after residency. You’re only just beginning. 


Maintain your personal relationships. Going through an experience as intense as residency can create friendships forged by fire, yet residency can also be a time in which we lose connections with those we know and love. Suddenly finding yourself outside the world of training can feel isolating. It is imperative to cultivate and maintain relationships with your friends and family. Be intentional about connecting with friends, family, and colleagues.  Your circle can make this transition so much smoother.


Get clear about the life you want. There is no one path in medicine. Physicians are becoming more and more creative as they build careers specific to their goals. What do you want your life to look like? How can your career support that life? Don’t be afraid to think outside the box. What are you doing specifically every day to enhance your career and brighten your life?

Tracy Sanson